we want to eat
We want to eat

Dogs have no citizenship or nationality.
We were approached with a plea for help from a doggy boarding facility in Ukraine. This facility used to house rescue dogs that were pulled by individual volunteers who normally would pay for their boarding and food. When the active fighting started, Gostomel/Irpen region was cut from all supplies and people who run the facility were left with dogs in their care and no access to food or ability to get it. They managed 2 months by feeding dogs with cattle compound food. Not a good option, but it allowed them to survive. Now the access is mostly restored, and they can buy food. The issue is that most of the volunteers who were paying for dogs are now lost their job and thus, ability to pay. Humanitarian aid is sparce and the shelter needs our help in purchasing food. If you can help, please do!

Please make a note “Irpen’s shelter”
